applied hydraulicsの例文


  1. The applied hydraulic pressure can go to 400 atm.
  2. In addition to the applied hydraulic pressure  " pH the process is influenced also by the electro-osmotic pressure " P e ".
  3. Zhang Heng is the first person known to have applied hydraulic motive power ( i . e . by employing a waterwheel and clepsydra ) to rotate an armillary sphere, an astronomical instrument representing the celestial sphere.
  4. Cassini was employed by Pope Clement IX in regard to fortifications, river management, and flooding of the Po River . " Cassini composed several memoirs on the flooding of the Po River and on the means of avoiding it; moreover, he also carried out experiments in applied hydraulics . " In 1663 he was named superintendent of fortifications and in 1665 inspector for Perugia.
  5. For purposes of air conditioning, the Han Dynasty craftsman and engineer Ding Huan ( fl . 180 CE ) invented a manually operated rotary fan with seven wheels that measured 3 m ( 10 ft ) in diameter; in the 8th century, during the Tang Dynasty ( 618 907 ), the Chinese applied hydraulic power to rotate the fan wheels for air conditioning, while the rotary fan became even more common during the Song Dynasty ( 960 1279 ).


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  13. "applied hydrodynamics"の例文
  14. "applied hydrology"の例文

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